=============== Changelog =============== 0.4.9 ------------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.dynamic_quotes` -- Preserve surrogates in strings. This prevents a crash when attempting to write the resulting file. 0.4.8 ------------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.reformat_file` -- Only write to the file if there have been any changes. This avoids unnecessary changes to the mtime. * :mod:`formate.reformat_generics` -- Don't crash if a generic's name contains a ``.``. 0.4.7 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :mod:`formate.reformat_generics` -- Correctly handle boolean values in Literals. 0.4.6 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :mod:`formate.dynamic_quotes` -- Preserve quote style in docstrings. 0.4.5 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :mod:`formate.config` -- The decorators now use a type variable to indicate to type checkers the returned object has the same type as the decorated object. * :func:`formate.isort_hook` and :func:`formate.yapf_hook` -- Don't crash when keys are missing from ``formate_global_config`` and aren't in ``**kwargs``. 0.4.4 ---------- Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Switched to :mod:`dom_toml` for reading TOML files. * Relaxed the yapf version requirement to allow 0.31.0 in addition to 0.30.0 * Relaxed the isort version requirement from ``isort<=5.6.4,>=5.5.2`` to ``isort<=5.9.0,>=5.5.2`` 0.4.3 ---------- * Switched to whey_ as the build backend. .. _whey: https://whey.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 0.4.2 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.mini_hooks.squish_stubs` -- Ensure space between classes and functions is preserved in cases where there would be no space between the class and a method. 0.4.1 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.mini_hooks.squish_stubs` -- Don't crash due to accessing an out-of-range value from a list. 0.4.0 ---------- Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.mini_hooks.squish_stubs` -- Remove whitespace between the class definition and first single-line function. 0.3.2 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.mini_hooks.squish_stubs` -- Don't crash due to accessing an out-of-range value from a list. 0.3.1 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.isort_hook` -- Preserve aliases / re-exports (e.g. import foo as foo) in stub files, as these are necessary for type checkers to understand re-exports. 0.3.0 ---------- Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Add support for reading the configuration from a ``[tool.formate]`` table in ``pyproject.toml``. 0.2.5 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.mini_hooks.squish_stubs` -- Improve handling of stubs with multiple decorators and keyword-only arguments. 0.2.4 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.isort_hook` -- Correctly handle isort options which may be either a single value or a sequence of values. 0.2.3 ---------- Bugs Fixed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :func:`formate.mini_hooks.squish_stubs` -- Correctly handle comments and docstrings at the very top of stub files. 0.2.0 ---------- Additions ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :deco:`formate.config.wants_filename` * :func:`formate.mini_hooks.squish_stubs` 0.1.0 ---------- Initial release.